Tag : Falcon Lake

Leslie and Clayton cuddle on their couch in their cabin

When you have built your dream

You know you have made it when your life resembles the dream you have always had.  Cuddling by the fireplace in your cabin/home in the middle of winter?  Some may ask if it gets any better than this.  Just add some hot chocolate with marshmallows or maybe a whiskey and whiskey stones.  We don’t judge.

Leslie looking back at her bridesmaids during the ceremony to laugh

Leslie & Clayton Brave the cold

Well these two are pure love birds! The way that Clayton cherishes the ground that Leslie walks on is truly inspiring. Such big guy has one soft spot and that is Leslie. These two thought of everything, including the blankets for their guests for the cold. Although it drizzled for most of the day, 30 seconds before Leslie walked down the isle the sun came out. I am not going to lie, the weather was cold, and the amount of […]