Tag : Fall Photography

The beautiful Julia and Chris posing on the wooden deck at Fort Gibralter

Julia & Chris | Fort Gibraltar

It was only minutes after a severe downpour that we managed to have this session.  Yes we waited a few minutes in the parking lot for the clouds to dissipate, but it was worth it.  Julia and Chris are all smiles all the time.  It was super contagious to be around the two amazing people.  We are super excited for more smiles on their wedding day!

The setting sun silhouettes's the two loves birds standing on a ridge

Julie & Darrell – Stonewall MB

Well you can’t ask for better timing that what these two love birds got!  It was my first time visiting the Quarry Park in Stonewall and I honestly can’t wait to go back there.  I am so excited to photograph these two on their big day.

Henteleff Park Engagement

Jessica & Scott

Just weeks before the wedding we finally locked down a time to head out for engagement photos.  Within the first few minutes of working with these two I knew they were always smiling with each other.  Seriously can’t wait for wedding and to have so many more smiles and laughs with these amazing people!