Andrew Nickel 1965 – 2016


Although Andrew was sick for a few years and we all knew this was coming, it was extremely sad to get the phone call.  Many of you know I photograph two things: Weddings and bike racing.  Andrew was my first bike racing customer.  He was also the first guy at the track to take me under his wing.  The first memory I have of Andrew was setting up my tent beside his at the race track.  I had to sleep with my ear plugs that night because he was snoring so loud I could barely sleep 10 feet away!  One of my last memories was when I shared my fear of becoming a new dad with him.  He looked at me and said: “You will be a great dad, and there is only one thing you need to do, just show up!”

There are so many racing sayings I can say to wish you the best Andrew, but you know my style is with photos!

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